It has been one of my cynical days again when I hate people and feel super self righteous. It is very unbecoming, however unavoidable. Ninety-five percent of the people that I have interacted with today have been perceived by me as idiots. I really hate days like this. Many times it is co-workers that drive me crazy. Not the co-workers that work in the office with me, but the ones that work in a building in another state. The majority of our communication is via email which can get a little snippy at times. It reminds me of how people don't mind flipping each other off in a car or swearing from a car. There's a barrier that keeps the perpetrator feeling safe. I try to be nice, but I know that I come across condescendingly. I just want them to know how freaking stupid they are, but in a nice way.
Last night we had a going away gathering for one of our co-workers. I actually like the vast majority of the people that attended, so it was a pleasant experience. The bad part was driving home in a terrible storm with science fiction movie style lightening popping all around the car. I drove 35mph most of the way with what my friend Gail referred to as "the pace car" leading the way in front of me.
1 comment:
Try being me for a day and then you'd know what it's like when 100% of the people around you aren't as smart as you! But I still try to treat all those less smarter people the same as I would if I ever met anyone as smart as me.
Nice new layout! But you might want to clean up some of those weird foreign comments you keep getting.
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