Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Wrong Side of the Bed

True statement: "You can wake up on the wrong side of the bed"!! I totally did today. I was in the most grouched out mood all day long. Absolutely everything got on my nerves, starting with the fact that our bathroom is still in the process of being remodeled and it is a minor inconvenience that I face first thing in the morning and last thing before I go to bed.

Also, when I got to work this morning I could hear a landscaping crew outside running their leaf blowers. The sound was coming through the drive-thru microphone at the bank and it was SO annoying. When I went to the window to check out the noise, I saw these two lazy guys with leaf blowers meandering aimlessly around, not even blowing any debris...I wanted to fire them and they weren't even my employees!

The rest of the day pretty much progressed in the same way and I really wanted to eat a Milky Way bar, but I'm on a diet, so I wouldn't let myself cheat...that was annoying, too.

Anyway, I hope that I wake up on the Right side of the bed tomorrow!!


Jack L. Blackwood, Jr., D.V.M. said...

welcome to my world!! don't sweat the little stuff! Oh, it's ALL little stuff!

Unknown said...

Hey Kellie, I'm sorry to hear that you had a bad day. Hopefully you haven't had one since and don't have any in the near future.

By the way, I noticed you said you were on a diet... I know just how tough those can be. Have you heard of Stacker 2's new Diet & Energy shot? It's a great drink since it gives you a boost of energy while also helping you lose some pounds. It's zero calories and comes in a delicious Tropical Blast flavor too. Check it out at www.stacker2.com

By the way, I hope you don't mind me commenting on your post. I work with Stacker 2 so if you have any questions about our drink just let me know. We'd really like to hear what you think of our Diet & Energy shot!

Andy Gerrard
Brand Ambassador