....Valentine's Day, I think I will talk about a few things that I hate. I'm just kidding, but not really.
I do feel a little guilty being so negative around a time that is supposed to be about hearts, flowers, and chocolate, but I do have a few things to gripe about from the past week.
For instance, I cannot stand the fact that my co-workers refuse to change the empty roll of toilet paper in the bathroom. I think that most people who have a job in America have had that same complaint at some point...especially if you are the type of person that actually works at your job. It is true that 20% of the people do 80% of the work. I am a little bitter for more than one thing in case it isn't obvious.
Also, how is it that the freezer at our workplace had something disgusting everywhere in it? Well, I know...it's because someone decided to put their coke in the freezer, then forgot about it, which caused it to explode, and then they left the Jackson Pollock style mess for everyone to see. How nice!! This of course caused me to have to send a "please clean the refrigerator/freezer, it is every one's responsibility" memo around. It's hard to be direct when you don't know who did it. But it did give me the opportunity to voice it openly and it opened the door for me to talk about how I hate when people don't replace toilet paper when it runs out and how that is so super lazy. Maybe the culprit felt a little silly.
Last, what is up with people today? I am starting to think that some people aren't actually human. For example: In some city in America this week, there was a woman that decided to beat another woman to death in the subway. All while three security guards "observed", because that is all that their job requires them to do. Several things are wrong with this. First, I will say that I think the woman that was beaten is actually okay. However, it was clear that the woman that beat her had no care at all whether she was okay, it seemed like she didn't mind if the woman died and seemed to desire just that. Also, just watching it made me feel so upset. I wanted to jump in and save the woman getting kicked in the head. I am a small person, but the "human" side of me didn't even think of the danger...only thought of helping this person that was getting murdered while laying on the ground helpless. The three really large security guards did absolutely NOTHING! People just don't care. What takes a person to the point that the do not care whether they kill someone or watch someone being killed? It made me truly sad!
On a lighter note...I am happy that it is Saturday and that Valentine's Day falls on a weekend this year. I love being with the people that I love and that love me. Happy Valentine's Day!!!!