Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Jedi Mind Tricks

For those of you who don't know, my husband is super obsessed with his body image, working out, and eating to perfection. Also, he takes ambien some nights to help him sleep and one of the side effects is sleep walking and eating which he refers to as "zombie eating".

After eating perfectly for several days in a row, he would have a zombie eating moment and wake up the next morning to find the evidence of it and he would be devastated that he had ruined his diet. Oh the drama in my house!

So, to remedy the midnight zombie eating sessions, he decided to put locks on the refrigerator and cabinets and give me the key to hide so that he couldn't get to any food. Also, he has posted signs on the refrigerator that say "Do Not Eat" and "No Food Fatty".

Well....last night, we were in bed and I was having trouble sleeping and he asked me for the key, because he said he needed to get some water. I asked him if he was serious, because I didn't want to give him the key if he was in his zombie state. He sounded in his right mind, so I handed over the key. I followed him into the kitchen and he was in the cabinets eating forbidden food.

I asked him, do you realize you are eating? Are you going to be mad tomorrow? He assured me in a very right minded, non zombie sounding voice that all was well. So, I went back to bed, a little concerned, but whatever. Then, when he came to bed, he says to me..."you can't give me the key....I just jedi mind tricked you....you can't listen to me when I am on sleepy meds". He was unaware of any of this until this morning when I told him the story.

.......I've been Jedi Mind Tricked..............


The Logic Connection said...

how did he not sleep walk into the hole in the floor you used to have in your old house?? blog about the hole in floor next! that's my favorite story ever!

Witness The Fitness said...

I love you too! I Jedi mindtricked you! HAHAHA!

mollie said...

hahahahah!!! i cant stop laughing! oh junior, i always knew you were a jedi.