Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Debits & Credits

I work in the world of debits & credits. So, nothing is more exciting than those people who balance their account via ATM machine. Every banker loves that not so happy customer that storms into the bank wondering "what have ya'll done with my money".
My usual reply is.."let me see your transaction register". For some reason that always creates a blank stare and a more humble demeanor.
After that sucker punch, I continue to explain how the ATM balance usually doesn't reflect the twelve outstanding checks that had not cleared their account yet. Oh, yes....I am winning the argument now.
Well, Mr. looks like we have found your money...let me provide you with a fresh new transaction register for your banking convenience.

1 comment:

Witness The Fitness said...

What have you done with my money!?!?

Sucker punch! ha ha ha!