Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Men Shouldn't.....

Men really shouldn't dye their hair. I'm not referring to your typical young guy with highlights. That's acceptable. What I am referring to is your out of shape, mid forties and beyond men that decide that their once dark brown, now turning grey hair should suddenly turn an unusual shade of red. The reason that it becomes an unusual shade of red is because the dye product for brown hair can't look natural..it always comes out "reddish". So, instead of looking younger, it just makes the person look creepy and crazy.

Go with the grey. Look older and wiser...women like that better. Otherwise, go ahead and buy a huge kidnapper van, you have nothing to lose.


mollie said...

"nothing to lose"-- thats hilarious

The Logic Connection said...

But what about guys who don't have the option of dying their hair bc they don't grow enough to dye? Should they dye the peach fuzz or just go total shaved head? I'm not talking about anyone in particular at all.