As everyone close to me knows, I do not celebrate Halloween. My reason is not due to some super spiritual...blah blah blah, but due to the fact that I can't stand middle school aged beggars that come to the house. Needless to say, I have had a bad experience that is too much of a story to go into at this time. Most people reading this blog know the story anyway.
However, having a baby changes things. So, in the spirit of Halloween, we plan to carve a pumpkin tonight and dress Coy up in his cute little costume and take pictures. Unfortunately, he is too young to go trick or treating(I really would like the candy), so that's where the festivities will end. I know that if I went door to door it would be too obvious that JR and I are only doing it so that we can get a fresh stash of tasty treats.
Anyway, Happy Halloween everybody.......
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