Saturday, August 29, 2009

Maternity Leave

I am on maternity leave, but I don't have a baby yet. It's not as if I am on vacation either. I weigh 152 pounds and walk like a duck, only slower. Maybe the baby will be born this weekend...I hope.

I am sitting outside right now listening to people mow grass and thinking about how I'm glad JR already mowed ours. I am also watching squirrels chase each other around the trees in our yard and thinking how lucky they are that JR(aka Squirrel Sniper) is still asleep.

Also, two days ago, my dog Layla decided to ingest half of a bottle of the herbal supplement Fenugreek. Fenugreek smells like maple syrup and now my dog smells just like maple syrup, it is seeping through her skin. I don't really like the smell of maple syrup, unfortunately. Also, it gave her severe upset stomach, so she is fasting today. She keeps spinning in circles every time I get close to her food bowl. She doesn't understand that nothing is getting put into the bowl.

Well, there's a recap of my exciting life right now. ~~~~still waiting for the baby. He definitely needs an eviction notice!

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