Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My View

I was watching this talk show on t.v. today that really made me irritated. Of course, moral relativism was at the forefront of every "opinion". Of course, being homosexual and promiscuous is "okay", because of course....it's "good" for "that person"...blah blah blah...and being heterosexual and promiscuous is okay for "that individual"....blah blah blah. Oh, and of course the term promiscuity wasn't used, because that would be saying that what they were doing was "negative" or "bad"....and we don't like those terms anymore.

Then, the next topic was "why" is teenage pregnancy on the rise? But, it was also discussed away in a moral relative way..and of course...the teenager is the "victim" and is not personally responsible for their situation. It is ridiculous! This "whatever is right for the individual" mentality is making us weak.

As for me...I'm following Christ Jesus. He died for our Sins...He lives...He is God.. and without Him we will be tossed about by the wind. We will go whatever direction the mass is going in until eventually "anything" goes. There is a right...there is a wrong and the Bible is our instruction!


Witness The Fitness said...

Whoa!! Blow it up!!!

I agree. You are exactly right. The best way to show your distaste is to not watch. Ignorance is the best approach.

The Logic Connection said...

That's what you get for watching "The View." Your blood pressure gets all out of whack and you end up yelling at the tv and Coy thinks his moms has gone out of her mind. Your time would be better spent watching clips of Dr. Thomas Sowell on youtube.