Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Today was a good doctor visit day. It started out with me weighing in, which is usually depressing, but this time I had not gained any weight. I just smiled on the inside and outside...wonderful news!

Then, the doctor informed me that I was 60% effaced and 1cm dilated...yeah, it doesn't make sense to me either, but basically it just means that the baby is getting ready to come soon. I was just happy, because last week the doctor's exact words were.."well, not much going on in there right now". So any activity was going to be an improvement from that sad statement.

Anyway, I am just getting really excited!


magpie fabrics said...

Can't wait!

Witness The Fitness said...


mollie said...

please try to have the baby so i can come the weekend of the 5th. that would be GREAT. thanks.