Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Doctor Tomorrow

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and I am planning to beg him to induce labor. I have complained pretty much the entire pregnancy about my misery. Sick for the first half...vomit sessions around the clock. Feeling generally unhealthy and disgusting the entire time. But, this time in the pregnancy, 37 weeks, is a new form of misery.

I have decided that I may be the worst pregnant person in America. I complain constantly..it just isn't for me! But, I am super excited about this little baby. Just not enjoying the process of getting him here.

So, I have tried to look to nature to help bring the baby here....here are some of my theories...

1. there is a "new moon" in two days. Whatever. I know that doesn't mean anything really, but it is still an occurrence...it may have some sort of effect.

2. There is the possibility of a hurricane next week....the change in pressure could induce labor...granted, I may have the baby in a hospital powered by generators, but who cares..bring it.

3. There is a full moon on September 4th. I really believe in the full moon effect...i mean, it does control the tide and it really does bring out some crazy people...so I feel certain that it can get a baby to come into the world.

Anyway, like I mentioned earlier, I plan to beg for an induction tomorrow...I know the doctor is going to laugh in my face, but I have no shame at this point. I'm begging!


The Logic Connection said...

Don't beg, it's so unbecoming of a new mother. FYI, I've always heard that drinking a whole glass of pickle juice while standing on one foot at the stroke of midnight is a guaranteed way of inducing pregnancy.

Witness The Fitness said...

Joyner, this is the greatest post of all time!

mollie said...

hahah full moon does bring out crazy people.