Saturday, October 4, 2008


I followed my new diet strictly Monday-Friday and I am starving....just kidding, it is an awesome new way of eating and I totally recommend it to anyone. I feel better than I have ever felt before by eating this way. I have more energy and don't have cravings for bad foods.

Today is my cheat day where I can eat basically whatever I want to eat. It is necessary to cycle my carbs to continue to have good results on the diet. I am no longer going to refer to this as a "diet", but rather, my new way of eating for hopefully the rest of my life. It is so healthy and I have actually lost 3 pounds of fat over the last five days, while still maintaining muscle. You can't beat that. Good bye carb addiction and hello to looking and feeling fabulous!

But, Thanksgiving is so going to be a cheat day!!

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