There is actually a really long list of things that are annoying to me, but I thought that I would discuss a couple of them..
1. Flossing teeth anywhere other than in the bathroom. Believe it or not, I have had people floss their teeth in my car, at the dinner table, and in my living room. All of which managed to gross me out. This is an activity that should be reserved for private moments in the bathroom followed by a few minutes with a toothbrush and soap and water to wash your hands.
2. Slirping soup or milk from a spoon or bowl. Nope! Put the spoon all the way into your mouth and deposit the food. Don't make that irritating slirpy sound, it isn't necessary.
3. Popping chewing gum. It is okay if I do it, but it is not okay for anyone else to do it. Since that doesn't seem fair, I try to be mindful of others and refrain from popping my gum until nobody is around.
4. Clipping fingernails or toenails....lets just go back to #1 and let me say that most grooming activities need to be done in the bathroom.
Thus ends my etiquette lesson.
Thanks for not mentioning my name with all the annoying comments. Even though we know they are all me. What about toe nail clipping at the gas station?
I once knew of someone who clipped their nails on the couch when a preacher came to visit the family! It was funny!!
After almost five years of marriage, I have finally convinced Justin not to clip his nails in my presence. I can still hear it if he is in the bathroom, so now he clips them on the back deck. That sound is like nails on a chalkboard for me.
hahahahahahahahahaah to daddy's comment!
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