Saturday, August 30, 2008


I have always wondered about the folks that like to decorate their yard with fake animals. I am not referring to your random garden, I am talking about life sized herds of deer, flocks of geese or entire duck families, etc...etc...

Yesterday I drove past a house that had an entire herd of cattle in their front yard. They were huge, life-sized and obviously fake. I couldn't help but wonder, where in the world would you buy something like that and why in the world would anyone spend their money on a fake herd of cattle to decorate their front yard. Cows don't even hang out in someone's front yard when they are real, so I just couldn't understand it at all. Maybe those people were mocking the yard decor clique, by saying "see how stupid it looks people".

My take on it is this...just plant some nice flowers or plants that attract the "real" animals and enjoy those moments when you actually see one wondering through your yard. Avoid looking foolish and stay away from the plastic deer and bunnies.

1 comment:

Witness The Fitness said...

HA HA HA! Don't be mad. I just bought us a herd of plastic goats...