Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween (2)

We carved a pumpkin and dressed Boom up in an outfit. It was fun.

Friday, October 30, 2009


As everyone close to me knows, I do not celebrate Halloween. My reason is not due to some super spiritual...blah blah blah, but due to the fact that I can't stand middle school aged beggars that come to the house. Needless to say, I have had a bad experience that is too much of a story to go into at this time. Most people reading this blog know the story anyway.

However, having a baby changes things. So, in the spirit of Halloween, we plan to carve a pumpkin tonight and dress Coy up in his cute little costume and take pictures. Unfortunately, he is too young to go trick or treating(I really would like the candy), so that's where the festivities will end. I know that if I went door to door it would be too obvious that JR and I are only doing it so that we can get a fresh stash of tasty treats.

Anyway, Happy Halloween everybody.......

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Road Trip

I made my first road trip with Coy last week. We traveled to Florida to see my family. Wow..what an adventure. We stopped every two hours for Coy to eat, so a 9 hour trip, turned into a 12 hour trip. Thankfully, I have a super awesome baby that slept the entire, I didn't have to be taken straight to Chatahoochie(mental facility) as soon as I got there.

These are my favorite pictures from the trip of my parents spending time with Coy.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Five Week Check Up

I went today for my check up with the doctor.
*my appointment was at 9:15
* it takes an hour to get there
*JR had to leave the house at 5:30, so I was on my own
*I got up at 5:45 to feed Coy and then got ready...left the house at 8:25...not too bad.
okay, now for the rest of the story.....
I waited 1 1/2 hours at the doctor's office(what is up with that crap...why do you ALWAYS have to wait forever to see the doctor)...if I made someone wait an hour for a loan application...oh, right, nobody would.
Anyway, after waiting patiently, the nurse came to the waiting room to inform me that the doctor was also on call and just left to go deliver, not one, but two babies from two different women...and "do you want to wait" she says. I promptly responded, that I did not want to wait and, no, I didn't want to re-schedule either.

So, this is what happened next....

*I cried, and told them a few nice things
*damage control came over (four nurses) to tell me how cute and awesome that my baby was
*someone went to get another doctor to see me
*I was in the room and seen by the doctor within twenty minutes
*the nurse fed my baby for me
*then, they gave me my own private room(to use as long as I needed) to finish feeding the baby and change his diaper, etc.

Why do you have to show out to get people to treat you the way that they should treat you anyway?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

Super Cuteness

Coy loves getting a bath.

Also, going blogs are going to be all about my baby. It was inevitable.

JR and I...and baby, are all going for an outing today. I am so excited to get out of the house. I am also looking forward to going back to work in a few weeks. Solitary confinement is getting pretty old! One sided conversations with a one month old can be overstimulating.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Little Cowboy

Coy is one month old today. It is hard to believe.

Saturday, October 3, 2009