Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Organic Milk, No Thanks!

Three great reasons why I will never buy organic milk...

1. My sister told me that she bought some that had an expiration date a month out and poured it on her cereal and it was rotten.

2. My mother told me that it smells like dog poop.

3. My sister just told me that she tried it again, and she drank it with jelly toast and it "sizzled" in her mouth.

*I will continue to drink my hormone/steroid infused Walmart brand skim milk.

Monday, February 9, 2009

First Picture

I had my first ultrasound today and got to see our little butter bean baby. It was really awesome. I didn't have any overwhelming emotional teary eyed moment, but I did have a moment. My first thought when I saw the baby was "Wow, there really is a baby in there". I guess I've been in denial or something. Anyway, I went and bought some maternity clothes to celebrate.

Also, JR is convinced that it is a girl and keeps giving the baby a voice, which is a very animated girly voice. One of his favorite things to say when imitating the baby is..."I'm sixteen cells".

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Snow Day Joke

I woke up this morning and saw 1/8 of an inch of snow on the ground. It looked like frost actually, so there was no question that I would be at work on delays.

But, everyone started calling me, freaking out...Do we have to be at work today? Well the sun is out and the frost...I mean already melting, I think we will be at work today. It turned out that we had an hour delay in opening the bank, which was okay...unnecessary, but okay.

Then, I went downtown for lunch. I couldn't wait to get some soup from my favorite restaurant. To my disappointment, they were closed...along with the rest of the town. ARRRGGGHHH!!!! What's up with everyone freaking out over a snowflake?